
Local study conflicts

Inclusion Criteria:

Exclusion Criteria:

If the patient is eligible:

Step-by-Step Guide to Recruitment:

In standard working hours; 8am - 4pm Monday to Friday

Out of hours and weekends:

Nb.To confirm eligibility and randomise a patient you MUST be on the delegation log. If you are not on the delegation log speak to the EPIC (who should be on the delegation log) or call [out of hours] 01908995328

Gather documentation

  1. Collect “CONSEPT patient pack” from the Research Folder in the doctors office

Confirm eligibility

Gaining formal consent

Randomisation procedure

  1. Online randomisation: https://www.sealedenvelope.com/access/
  2. You can use the details on the laminated sheet in RESUS & Dr Office
  3. Select CONSEPT Study
  4. Go to ‘Randomise’ (top left) -- enter required data to produce the participant’s trial allocation.
  5. Patient ID– this can be found in the top right corner (118-xxx) of SL1 Screening Form.
  6. Click on ‘Randomisation’ tab and enter required data to produce the participant’s trial allocation.
  7. Complete form R1 (in the per patient pack for our reference)
  8. The randomisation should then be recorded on the patient’s notes
  9. Place ALL the documentation (including the questionnaire) in Research Folder
  10. Email Research Nurses (emergencydepartmentresearch@mkuh.nhs.uk) with patient details.

Carrying out the intervention:

Disposition and follow-up:

If admitted:
If discharged:

I.e. Patients allocated to conservative management (intervention group):

There is a 24/7 phone line dedicated to addressing enquiries related to eligibility and randomisation. This is to ensure that you can access crucial information at any time. Please call if you need support - 01865 282954

Links for further information:

Link to trial site Link to trial site