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Local study conflicts

Inclusion Criteria: Must meet all of these:

Exclusion Criteria:

If the patient is eligible:

Gain verbal agreement in principle before proceeding. Explain:

Step-by-Step Guide to Recruitment:

In standard working hours; Mon-Fri 07:30-16:30

Out of hours and weekends:

  1. Collect paperwork from the research box marked crash4 behind workstation in resus.

  2. Location of the research paperwork container in resus
  3. Consent can be deferred if appropriate or relative can give consent (same consent form)
  4. Take next pack of drug (in numerical order) from the clinical trials cupboard in clean utility located next to resus.

  5. Location of the research materials
  6. Prescribe on EPMA under clinical trials tab putting in the number from the drug pack. Anyone can give once prescribed.
  7. Place wristband from the drug pack on participant
  8. Entry form completed
  9. Document in participants notes.
  10. Place completed paperwork into the research box Crash4 for research nurse to collect.

Follow-up plan for discharged patients:

There is no formal follow up. The research nurse will check medical notes at 28days and will ring if participant has had any attendances at GP or ED

Links for further information:

Link to trial site