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Local study conflicts

Inclusion Criteria:

  1. Hospitalised infant aged <12 months with a clinical diagnosis of acute bronchiolitis


  2. Clinically assessed at least twice, 15 minutes apart, to have either:

      Severe respiratory distress (respiratory rate >70/min, or grunting, or marked chest recession) and/or recurrent short apnoeas (>3 per hour, each apnoea lasting >10 sec)

    2. OR


      Lack of response to LFNC oxygen up to 2 L/min as indicated by persistent hypoxaemia (SpO2 <90%, or <92% if age < 6 weeks or if underlying health problems present)
    4. and/or
    5. Lack of response to LFNC oxygen up to 2 L/min as indicated by moderate respiratory distress (respiratory rate 55-70/min and/or moderate chest recession)

Exclusion Criteria:

If the patient is eligible:

Step-by-Step Guide to Recruitment:

In the working hours of the research team:

Page below here still under construction

Out of hours, weekends, and when the research nurse is not available:

Estimated time required to enroll

Gather documentation

  1. Documentation is stored in the research drawer in the Paediatrics ED, including:

    Study protocol
    Recruitment guide
    Treatment flowchart
    Randomisation cards
    Participant information sheet (PIS)
    Consent form
  2. Image of BACH-b folder in the paediatric ED

Gaining formal consent

Randomisation procedure

  1. For patients with severe bronchiolitis: Do not randomise if there is no an available bed in PICU.
  2. Eligible patients will be randomised using the sealedenvelope website here. (https://www.sealedenvelope.com/access/apps.) Individuals on the delegation log have individual access.

Carrying out the intervention:

Disposition and follow-up:

Out of working hours:

Links for further information: